Decoding the 'Food Crisis'
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But we should not be deceived into thinking that 'bubbles' are unintended distortions that in time will be corrected and everything will go back to 'normal'. For bubbles are not irrational, though the investors involved in them might be; bubbles are constructed, inflated and 'popped' by financial institutions and the state (for a classic example see role of Alan Greenspan¿s Federal Reserve in the '' bubble of the late 1990s). They have their purposes and bankers, investment fund executives, and US and EU government officials are responsible for their creation and collapse, including that of the food price bubble of 2008. [...] First, the food crisis should be read as a reply to the wide spread refusal of land commodification (which is especially strong in Africa) and the struggle that communities are making across Latin America to reverse the privatisation of land and natural resources and recreate 'new commons'.
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