
Walking Through Walls

Trechos de Walking Through Walls

  In a lecture I attended, Naveh presented a diagram resembling a ¿square of
  opposition¿ that plots a set of logical relationships among certain propositions
  relating to military and guerrilla operations. Indications such as ¿Difference
  and Repetition ¿ The Dialectics of Structuring and Structure¿; ¿¿Formless¿
  Rival Entities¿; ¿Fractal Maneuver: Strike-Driven Raids¿; ¿Velocity vs.
  Rhythms¿; ¿Wahhabi War Machine¿; ¿Post-Modern Anarchists¿; ¿Nomadic Terrorists¿,
  and so on, employed the language of French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and
  Félix Guattari.

  In the interview, I asked Naveh: ¿Why Deleuze and Guattari?¿ He replied that:
  ¿Several of the concepts in A Thousand Plateaus became instrumental for us [¿]
  allowing us to explain contemporary situations in a way that we could not have
  otherwise explained. It problematized our own paradigms. [¿] Most important was the
  distinction they have pointed out between the concepts of ¿smooth¿ and ¿striated¿
  space [¿] [which accordingly reflect] the organizational concepts of the ¿war
  machine¿ and the ¿state apparatus.¿ [¿] In the IDF we now often use the term ¿to
  smooth out space¿ when we want to refer to operation in a space as if it had no
  borders. We try to produce the operational space in such a manner that borders
  do not affect us. Palestinian areas could indeed be thought of as ¿striated,¿ in
  the sense that they are enclosed by fences, walls, ditches, roadblocks and so on.
  [¿] We want to confront the ¿striated¿ space of traditional, old-fashioned military
  practice [the way most military units presently operate] with smoothness that allows
  for movement through space that crosses any borders and barriers. Rather than contain
  and organize our forces according to existing borders, we want to move through them.¿

  Digital armor to protect tanks

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